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February 10, 2025

New version of Spyware Process Detector v4.06.

January 9, 2025

New version of ArtMoney 8.19.


Spyware Process Detector

Anti-spyware software to detect and remove spywares, trojans and viruses from your PC
Current version: 4.06

Spyware Process Detector is an anti-spyware tool that will detect all processes running on the computer and display their threat rating based on the intelligent analysis of all hidden properties. Another specialty of the program is its ability to detect a process that contains and executes alien code of another process. Users will at a glance see the detailed information about any selected process and detect all hidden threats, including spyware, malware, keyloggers and Trojans. 17 methods of process detection are available.

Unlike standard Windows Task Manager, Spyware Process Detector will detect even those processes and tasks, which are transparent to OS. The security rating is color-coded so that users can see the most dangerous processes at once. Red stands for the highest rating of danger, green for the lowest one, any color between red and green stands for varying levels of security threat. The program shows other details about each process, such as process ID, parent ID, security status, EXE filename, file path, description, etc. Startup Manager shows details information about processes that run on Windows startup.Once there is a process marked out as red or yellow, users have to choose whether to delete it or mark as safe. The current list of processes can be exported to the Excel format for further analysis.

The program detects new (undetectable by your anti-virus scanner) spywares, trojans and viruses. We recommend to use our program instead of standard Windows Task Manager with your anti-virus together. You lose nothing if you download TRIAL Edition of this program.

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Universal memory (file) editor.
Current version: 8.19

ArtMoney is a memory (file) editor. This is cheating program you can use for all games.ArtMoney can make a troublesome game easier to win by helping you find thememory address where a desired quantity (like amount of money) is located soyou can change that quantity. In spite of its title, ArtMoney actuallyallows you to change any quantity specified in a game, whether it bedollars, bullets, swords, or health points. The program finds a hex addressbased on the input parameters you set and prints these addresses with theircorresponding values. For example, if your character has 1,431 dollars,ArtMoney searches and displays all memory addresses containing the value of1431. Of course, as there can be hundreds of memory addresses displayedafter a simple search, you will need to filter this addresses.You lose nothing if you download FREEWARE Edition of this program.

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